Monday, September 5, 2011

Our part in His perfect plan

Cancer: An abnormal growth of cells which tend to proliferate in an uncontrolled way and, in some cases, to metastasize (spread)

This word- this condition- this disease- THIS is what stunned, dumbfounded, and devastated us at about 4:00 Friday afternoon. I had called Christopher earlier on Friday morning to find out if the doctor had called. After hearing that he hadn't and worried that the doctor would've left early because of the holiday weekend, I called the doctor myself which resulted in speaking to his machine. 

I forced myself to wait. I cleaned. I did dishes. I read to Connor. I swept the bathroom. I did a load of laundry. And somewhere in the hustle and bustle of keeping busy, I found time to sit on the couch for just a minute after laying the baby down, and woke up 30 minutes later to my phone vibrating with a call from my husband. 

His voice being a bit raspy from what I knew then to be a sinus infection came on the line, and said "Hey, honey" 
"Hello! Did you hear yet from the doctor?"
"Well... He told me I have cancer. Thyroid Cancer."
"Are you there?" 
"Yes, I'm here..I'm sorry, did you say cancer? Are you serious?"
Chris then went on to explain a few different things that the doctor had told him, which wasn't much because he had been too shocked to write anything down.  I'm not sure how you're supposed to grab a pen and a notepad after being told you've got cancer. At that point, at least from what Chris explained the body feels a bit numb. 

I. was. stunned.
 Chris told me that he was going to call his mom, and I muttered something to the effect of an okay and I'll see you when you get home. It's shameful to say that all of the replies that you'd suppose you have, if you've ever imagined this situation all fly out the door when the statement becomes a reality. I hung up and sat on the couch staring at my phone, snuggled up in our white afghan, with a blank stare. 

I didn't know who to call or what to do first. The next number I dialed (which I guess is an automatic one for me) was my mom. By the time she answered the tears had begun to flow. 
"Chris has cancer, mom" "Thyroid cancer" - a statement that I never imagined saying in my entire life.

After I hung up with her, the day buzzed by. Chris came home, we started hearing from friends, all the while the whole situation feeling a bit surreal. 

How do you react when you find out cancer has invaded your life? How do you act normal, trying to separate yesterday when all was normal from today when you're battling cancer? How do you carry the burden of what you carry now and what you'll have to carry in the future? How do you deal with this terrible word that has unexpectedly jolted our world as we know it.

YOU don't. GOD does. 

This small little bump on Chris thyroid that has proved to be a very real and dangerous enemy was NOT a surprise to God. He was NOT surprised that this 25 year old man with a wife and a son, and plans to leave for the mission field had the biopsy come to him positive for cancer. He is NOT worried, He is NOT shocked by this trial. He IS feeling what we're going through right this very moment. He IS going through this trial with us, and He IS bearing our burden for us. You see, THIS is why God became a man so many years ago.
 This is why He sent His Son to live on this earth. It was not because He was just a good man. It was because our God had to become a man to die for our sins. So Jesus, the Son of God, was born. He lived a sinless life, but yet endured human sorrows and afflictions. After all what was the purpose of God sending His son to this earth to suffer and die if there was another way we (as sinners) could reach Heaven?

No, my friends. There is no other reason. His reason was us. A people that had chosen to reject God from the beginning of time. We were the reason that God sent His only begotten Son to die. 

But that is not the end of the story. The Bible tells us that on the third day, Jesus Christ rose from the dead, and lives for EVER more. He tasted and defeated death. FOR you and me! He loves us that much.

This is why Chris and I are not fretting. Of course we feel anxious about what the future holds, and uneasy at times. But the Lord is with us. He is bigger than this cancer.  We do not feel alone. We're not putting our trust in the doctor's hands, we are not leaning on people to get us through this. We are putting our faith and trust in the ONE who formed our lives in the beginning. The ONE who has a divine plan for our lives as His children, and the ONE who is already at the end of this trial. 

God loves Christopher more than anyone else in this world loves him. The Bible tells us that Jesus "ever liveth to make intercession for us" He is praying for him. He tastes what we're going through. He feels our pain, and He is the ONE that will be praised through this trial.

We're not sure why God allowed this to happen. But, His way is perfect. His plan for our lives is perfect. We don't always have to understand everything that happens. But, we do know that since He does know and cares for us more than any other, that there must be some greater reason for this trial that our minds can't conceive right now. The wonderful thing is that we can trust Him with this. We can trust Him with our lives. He has proven Himself over and over again to us.  He endured the pain of this world, so He could carry His children through the hardships of life. He cried, He felt pain, He felt rejection, He passed through the valley of the shadow of death. He KNOWS  and FEELS what we're going through.

Do you know this Great Physician? He loves you so much that He died for you to forgive your sins. If you could get to Heaven any other way then why did a Holy God have to send His perfect Son to the earth to be crucified? He has paid your way to Heaven. Have you prayed and asked Him to forgive your sin and come into your heart? Have you received His free gift? 

O, how He wants you to. How He loves you. The sweet peace that fills your life, when you let the Lord enter your life is unexplainable. He will change you. He has me. 

Isa 53:4-7 
" Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted. 
  But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed. 
 All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the LORD hath laid on him the iniquity of us all. "

Heb 4:15 
 "For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin." 

2 Cor. 12:9  
"And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me."

This cancer - for now - is our part in His perfect plan



  1. Thank you sweetheart for this very wonderful word. God desires to live his perfect will through us and it is a privilege if we let him. He also gives us power and strength for we have none of our own. It is impossible to "live" the Christian life and the sooner we learn that we are nothing and that Christ is everything is the time we find him "living through us" Christ liveth in me; Christ liveth in me. Oh what a salvation this, that Christ liveth in me. I love you and praise the Lord for his calling upon you and Chris' life.

  2. Diana, I have sat in the chair and been told I had cancer, I have was told my husband had cancer twice, and I was told my daughter, age 11 had cancer, the human mind is never ready to hear those words, but God is able in His perfect plan to take care of us...I have worked in a head and neck cancer office, and Thyroid cancer is very treatable, and you will receive blessings from it! I was devistated when we lost Shari to Lymphoma, but God has allowed me to grow from the experience and tho' I miss her daily, we received many blessings because of it! You and your family are in my prayers, and you are a blessing to all who know you! We have a mighty and awesome God! Love you, Cheryl Wall

  3. Hello! We have a mutual friend on fb who shared this post. I am Jennifer Smith, my husband and I are missionaries to Argentina. We were on deputation when our son Joel was diagnosed with a Rhabdoid Renal Tumor. Here's the link to our blog that tells the whole story from the beginning. I thought it might help you in some way. Please feel free to contact me by email or facebook. I'll be praying for you guys!

    fb - Jennifer Kaye Hicks Smith

  4. You said it very well. HE knows. HE bears the burdens. It doesn't mean every step is easy, but what a comfort to know He is there with us. I am praying for you both.

  5. How blessed to read your words of faith. I was where you were in 2009. My husband was diagnosed with Lymphoma. We were told it was low grade. A few weeks later, we were told that it had changed from a low-grade to a high-grade (aggressive) cancer. We were told that he was a Stage 4 Lymphoma. Not long after that, we were told that not only did he have Lymphoma, but he had three different types. He had almost 18 months of chemo. The Lord built our faith and drew us closer together as husband and wife. We could not have gone through it without Him. Prayers went up from all over the US and other countries. We were so overwhelmed with the outpouring of prayers. My husband is now in remission. The doctor told him that he has an 80% chance of relapse, but we look at it as a 20% chance of staying cancer-free. You have the Lord, which will definitely help you go through this much better. I will say prayers for you and your husband.

  6. Diana, I am so amazed by your attitude and your faith through this time. I know the Lord's plan for you and Chris must be very great for Him to know that you can handle this trial. Our God is ALWAYS good.
    I am going to a NZ wide Ladies Retreat this weekend and I wanted to let you know that I will be sharing your situation with those ladies and I am sure there are many who will begin lifting your family up in prayer. I have been and will continue to pray for Chris and yourself. <3
