Tuesday, September 13, 2011

The Beginning of the End

The past week has been a bit of a blur...a few days after I wrote last we went for a visit to the surgeon and found out more about Chris' condition and more options we may have. Because of our trip to Cambodia in a little over 3 1/2 weeks there were many questions, concerns, and information that needed to be conveyed. The whole appointment took probably less than 30 minutes. 

Those 30 minutes were very overwhelming. The surgeon proceeded to tell us the tentative schedule for surgery and the processes afterward. She told us that she will remove the right lobe of Chris' thyroid first - then while Chris is still out, she will have a pathologist look at it, verify that it's cancerous, and after it is verified proceed to take the entire thyroid out. 

She went on to explain the risks of the surgery: low calcium levels, possibly hurting the vocal chords, which would result in hoarseness or possibly loss of vocal ability. There is also possibility of infection anytime a surgery takes place. OF course, they have to tell you everything that could POSSIBLY happen, so I shouldn't have been surprised. We went ahead and scheduled the big day for Tuesday morning. 

The rest of the week whizzed by with a day at the fair, Chris' birthday, his mom's arrival, and before we knew it, Tuesday was here- our alarm rang this morning at 5:30 AM. 

I just got back from the room I was in with Chris- he is presently being wheeled into surgery and I am presently just trying to make it through these next 3 hours (at least)  without him. While the nurses were getting him prep'd for surgery his blood pressure was a little high, so he was given some relaxation meds. As they started administering the medication through the IV he looked at the nurse and said, "WOW. How fast does this stuff work?" To which the nurse responded with a smile, "Very quickly".  My dad and I chuckled as Chris leaned his head back on the pillow and said " I feel really good right now." I just patted his arm and told him I was happy that he did. I won't disclose too much of what Chris said back there for risk of embarrassing of him, but let's just say I'm pretty positive that he was at peace with the world at that moment :). 

I read a few of our favorite Bible verses to him, and before I knew it the circulation nurse (who will be with him in surgery) and the anesthesiologist were there to take him away. I kissed him and walked quietly back to my seat in the waiting room. 

I am fine. And to my surprise, not one tear has entered my eyes. Maybe I've already cried to all the tears I can, or maybe it just hasn't hit me yet. Either way, the Lord is with me. The Lord is with Chris, and he will protect him. 

I look around and see people, people who I don't know from Adam. People that I have no idea what they're going through or who they have back in surgery at this moment. I hear a TV but have NO desire to watch it. 

My sweet dad has left to go pack the trailer for moving, and Ann just got here to be with me. 

Now- I wait...


  1. I am with you as much as I can possibly be there. My heart is praying for you as only mother can. God will perfect that which concerneth you. He is worthy of all praise and trust.
