Friday, November 18, 2011


Well! I did pretty well today I would say.

Breakfast: Yoplait Light, Raisin Bran Crunch

Lunch: Salad

Snacks: Banana, Orange, Granola Bar

Dinner: Mac n Cheese (okay so that's not the best but it's all about portion right?!?)

AND I'm ignoring the cupcakes sitting on the kitchen counter. Instead it's lemon water for me.

Yup, thus is the life of trying to lose weight. This. is. awesome.

Can you tell I need some encouragement?? :)

I can already tell that I won't keep up with this update EVERY day. It would be far too boring of a post and I just don't see me being that faithful with it. I will keep track somehow though.

I hope you all enjoy your brownies and milk that you're eating right now while you sit on your laptops and enjoy your evening.

I"ll be here.

With my water.

1 comment:

  1. You go girl! I'm very proud of you and I am not eating a brownie or any awful milk! I've had some rough couple of days but I start again tomorrow! :-)
