Thursday, November 17, 2011

The Goal

Tonight I embark on a new adventure.

The adventure of weight loss.

I was invited by my sister-in-law to a weight-loss challenge of 6 lbs. by Christmas. My plan is to write about my activity and eating during the day as a way to look back and keep track of what I did and if it works! :)

We are all keeping each other accountable and I'm excited to see the results! This is the first time I've had a goal of losing a specific amount by a specific date.

The best part of this is that Christopher has decided to help me. We are getting up tomorrow morning at 6:30 to walk. (Since I canNOT run...) at least not yet. :)

I hear all different kinds of weight loss success stories-some people decide that allowing a little indulgence saves you from going overboard the next time you eat. On the other hand, some people say to totally withdraw yourself from every temptation. I have made the decision to have NO soda and NO sweets.

Now friends, I hope this works, I really do. This is going to be hard, but I really want to see if I can do it. I need encouragement though! Will you help me?

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