Friday, November 18, 2011


Well! I did pretty well today I would say.

Breakfast: Yoplait Light, Raisin Bran Crunch

Lunch: Salad

Snacks: Banana, Orange, Granola Bar

Dinner: Mac n Cheese (okay so that's not the best but it's all about portion right?!?)

AND I'm ignoring the cupcakes sitting on the kitchen counter. Instead it's lemon water for me.

Yup, thus is the life of trying to lose weight. This. is. awesome.

Can you tell I need some encouragement?? :)

I can already tell that I won't keep up with this update EVERY day. It would be far too boring of a post and I just don't see me being that faithful with it. I will keep track somehow though.

I hope you all enjoy your brownies and milk that you're eating right now while you sit on your laptops and enjoy your evening.

I"ll be here.

With my water.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

The Goal

Tonight I embark on a new adventure.

The adventure of weight loss.

I was invited by my sister-in-law to a weight-loss challenge of 6 lbs. by Christmas. My plan is to write about my activity and eating during the day as a way to look back and keep track of what I did and if it works! :)

We are all keeping each other accountable and I'm excited to see the results! This is the first time I've had a goal of losing a specific amount by a specific date.

The best part of this is that Christopher has decided to help me. We are getting up tomorrow morning at 6:30 to walk. (Since I canNOT run...) at least not yet. :)

I hear all different kinds of weight loss success stories-some people decide that allowing a little indulgence saves you from going overboard the next time you eat. On the other hand, some people say to totally withdraw yourself from every temptation. I have made the decision to have NO soda and NO sweets.

Now friends, I hope this works, I really do. This is going to be hard, but I really want to see if I can do it. I need encouragement though! Will you help me?

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

I miss you

I miss hearing you "play" your trombone.

I miss seeing you squish peanut butter and jelly up in milk and eat it with a spoon.

I miss playing Quiddler and waiting FOREVER while you chose just the right word :)

I miss hearing you call grandma "honey-pot"

I miss hearing you play your guitar all of the time.

I miss hearing you try to teach the boys how to sing "When it's Sleepy-Time down south."

I miss looking at your garden with you, and discussing all of the different plants and what your future plans were with the garden.

I miss sharing my favorite peppermints that you always had handy with you.

I miss the trip I took with you, Grandma, Aunt Gee, and Allison, in which you and I were in the back seat laughing and annoying Grandma with asking if we could stop every 30 minutes :)

I miss your Santa hat at Christmas.

I miss your barbershop songs that we would always sing together at the piano.

I miss you giving us a personal tour ~every year~  of your unbelievable Dickens Village that you collected and set up every year.

I miss hearing you pray.

I miss hearing you preach.

I miss sitting in the kitchen with you while you cooked me eggs and toast in the morning - and they had to be perfect ;)

I miss meeting you and Grandma for coffee and toast in the morning.

I miss the celebration dinner you and Grandma had for me when I got my license.

I miss the way that although you had many grandchildren, you always knew how to make all of us individually
feel so special and loved.

I thank you for your sacrifice for our country.

I thank you for leaving such a great heritage for your grandchildren and great grandchildren and so on...

I thank you for loving your wife, and being such an example to us.

I thank you for your love for the Lord.

I thank you for your advice, correction, and investment in us.

I thank you for your love to us.

How is that time has so mindlessly sped to where I am now? When did I stop being the little girl that would climb up on your lap and want to strum on your guitar while you played the correct chords to make me think that I was actually the one making those good tones on the guitar? When did I grow to be a wife and a mom and leave childhood behind me? How is it possible that time has gone this fast and I look now and realize you're gone?

It's still hard to believe, especially when I walk into your house, that you're gone.
You were so young at heart and such a fun and loving person to be around.

But then it seemed that time caught up with us all. I realized for the first time ever that you were actually getting older and things were changing. I realized that I had better get in as many hugs and conversations, and songs I could now, and I did. I really did. And then you were gone.

I miss you, Grandpa. Sometimes it's extremely painful and one of those nights is tonight. I'm watching basketball in Kansas and remember various conversations about Bill Self and what a good team KU is but how your first pick to win would be Illinois. I remember a few days before you died, you telling me to tell Chris to still cheer for KU and talking yet again about Bill Self being your favorite coach.

Time goes too fast, that's for sure.

I'm so thankful I will see you again, Grandpa .... until then I have a pretty big supply of memories that I borrow from everyday and save the special stash for nights like this when I miss you so very very much.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Sickness makes the heart grow fonder....

Okay....maybe not.

But it definitely lets you cuddle with your kiddos more!

Connor has bad congestion, a cough, and is just all-around miserable. It's terrible for the little fella. I noticed though, last night when he woke up in the night from all of the congestion and we were snuggling in bed (which we hardly EvEr do!) , how nice it was just to feel his little blonde head on my shoulder with his little sniffles and to hear his little raspy voice say "mama" over and over again.

Connor is such a sweet boy, but as he gets older I've noticed that cuddling just isn't the most favorite thing to do anymore. I then settled back into bed and held on even just a little bit tighter.

I was so tired..We have been trying to get moved in and settled in my parent's house before we head to Kansas next week. Nevertheless, comforting a sick baby, as all of you mama's know, never gets overlooked. Somehow all of your weariness (maybe not ALL ;) gets pushed aside while you comfort your "eedle" one.

Today he's just walked around and played, but we've gotten in a lot more snuggle time because of his feeling puny. I wish I could just hold onto these memories and stick them in a bottle,  never to be forgotten, as my little guy grows up.

Even though it maybe means sleepless nights, a whiny baby, and maybe less time for getting things done around the house---I'll definitely take the extra time for snuggling and sweet kisses...