Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The Naming of the Blog

I hate when I read blogs and the titles are obscure and hard to understand. With that thought in mind, I realize that although mine seems relatively simple I wanted to make sure my meaning was clear.
I chose this name out of my love for being a stay-at-home mom and my desire to be the wife, mom, and individual that I was created to be. However, I need a constant reminder, that, although I may strive and read all of the how-to books and gather ideas from different moms, no remedy will work without the most important ingredient. You see, the Bible says that God is the true Maker of the Home and without Him being the preeminence "they labor in vain that build it." It is tempting to fall into the trap of reading all of the parenting magazines and every self-help book that's out there and thinking "although that last plan didn't work; this one's gotta be the one!" and just knowing that this article is going to make your parenting a success, but the surest thing of all is the Bible. God loves my family even more than I do, and as we seek to honor Christ in our Home, we can trust Him with the rest. We are not letting God strive along with us to build our home- we are striving along with Him as HE builds our home and makes it what it ought to be.

1 comment:

  1. This is great and reinforces what I already knew, God gave me a very sweet, daughter who loves him and loves her husband and family. I love you and am so happy for what God is doing in your life. I would say I'm proud of you but God has done it all.
