Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The Naming of the Blog

I hate when I read blogs and the titles are obscure and hard to understand. With that thought in mind, I realize that although mine seems relatively simple I wanted to make sure my meaning was clear.
I chose this name out of my love for being a stay-at-home mom and my desire to be the wife, mom, and individual that I was created to be. However, I need a constant reminder, that, although I may strive and read all of the how-to books and gather ideas from different moms, no remedy will work without the most important ingredient. You see, the Bible says that God is the true Maker of the Home and without Him being the preeminence "they labor in vain that build it." It is tempting to fall into the trap of reading all of the parenting magazines and every self-help book that's out there and thinking "although that last plan didn't work; this one's gotta be the one!" and just knowing that this article is going to make your parenting a success, but the surest thing of all is the Bible. God loves my family even more than I do, and as we seek to honor Christ in our Home, we can trust Him with the rest. We are not letting God strive along with us to build our home- we are striving along with Him as HE builds our home and makes it what it ought to be.

Connor's First Year

Connor Judson; born at 5:31 p.m, weighing in at 6 lbs. 12 oz. and measuring 21 in. long. 
Oh how our lives were changed forever.

 The sudden fear of anyone at all besides us touching our little bundle. The helplessness when we held our fragile baby for the first time and wondered how we were ever going to manage such a huge responsibility. The insecurities of being a parent for the first time. Enduring everyone's persistent suggestions and comments, yet loving all the attention a new baby brings. Thinking that we knew every bit of what it means to raise this little person up to a well-standing gentleman, and realizing as time goes on that we know virtually nothing. Soaking in every touch and "coo" sound that our baby- our very own- baby gives us. Laughing at the quirky things we do and endure just because "we're parents now." 

Yes, Connor Judson, you are the best gift from Heaven that God could have ever given us and such a joy to have as our first little addition. I remember the first time I watched you scoop up enough strength to hold your tiny head up all by yourself, and wondered to myself how long it would be until you scooted, or crawled , or took your first steps on your own. It seemed like only a few days between all of those milestones that passed. Your personality was evident pretty early on. You have shocked us many times with your stubbornness, your curiosity, and  silly sense of humor that peeks its head and the funniest of times. You LoVe to eat (perhaps more than some at your age) and to have your cup of milk handy. Fig Newtons seem to be your favorite snack right now. I really believe you are going to be an avid reader and have the brightest of imaginations. Just today you sat by your basket of books and looked at them for 30 minutes! You jibber jabber all day, keeping me company while I do things around the house. You love to be heard and if you ever sense that you're not, you get louder. A lot louder :) You're favorite word is "uh-oh", but you also say "mom, dad, eya (yellow), ayo (hello), I ya ya ( I love you) and bye. I'm sure you are saying a lot more in your little head but that is as much as I can translate. Walking has taken precedence over crawling now, and your favorite toy is the orange soccer ball from your Uncle Jason, Aunt Melody, and your cousins. Stubbornness rears its ugly head daily now in our home, but you're always up for a hug and good cuddling with mom after the battle is fought. 

We love you Connor- more than we ever knew was possible. We pray for you everyday that you will come to know Christ at a very early age and that you will serve Him with your whole heart. To Dad and I you're our "Middo Man" and probably always will be.